The dbscan package [6] includes a fast implementation of Hierarchical DBSCAN (HDBSCAN) and its related algorithm(s) for the R platform. This vignette introduces how to interface with these features. To understand how HDBSCAN works, we refer to an excellent Python Notebook resource that goes over the basic concepts of the algorithm (see the SciKit-learn docs). For the sake of simplicity, consider the same sample dataset from the notebook:
## Attaching package: 'dbscan'
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
## as.dendrogram
plot(moons, pch=20)
To run the HDBSCAN algorithm, simply pass the dataset and the (single) parameter value ‘minPts’ to the hdbscan function.
cl <- hdbscan(moons, minPts = 5)
## HDBSCAN clustering for 100 objects.
## Parameters: minPts = 5
## The clustering contains 3 cluster(s) and 0 noise points.
## 1 2 3
## 25 25 50
## Available fields: cluster, minPts, coredist, cluster_scores,
## membership_prob, outlier_scores, hc
The ‘flat’ results are stored in the ‘cluster’ member. Noise points are given a value of 0, so increment by 1.
plot(moons, col=cl$cluster+1, pch=20)
The results match intuitive notions of what ‘similar’ clusters may look like when they manifest in arbitrary shapes.
The resulting HDBSCAN object contains a hierarchical representation of every possible DBSCAN* clustering. This hierarchical representation is compactly stored in the familiar ‘hc’ member of the resulting HDBSCAN object, in the same format of traditional hierarchical clustering objects formed using the ‘hclust’ method from the stats package.
## Call:
## hdbscan(x = moons, minPts = 5)
## Cluster method : robust single
## Distance : mutual reachability
## Number of objects: 100
Note that although this object is available for use with any of the methods that work with ‘hclust’ objects, the distance method HDBSCAN uses (mutual reachability distance, see [2]) is not an available method of the hclust function. This hierarchy, denoted the “HDBSCAN* hierarchy” in [3], can be visualized using the built-in plotting method from the stats package
plot(cl$hc, main="HDBSCAN* Hierarchy")
As the name implies, the fascinating thing about the HDBSCAN* hierarchy is that any global ‘cut’ is equivalent to running DBSCAN* (DBSCAN w/o border points) at the tree’s cutting threshold \(eps\) (assuming the same \(minPts\) parameter setting was used). But can this be verified manually? Using a modified function to distinguish noise using core distance as 0 (since the stats cutree method does not assign singletons with 0), the results can be shown to be identical.
cl <- hdbscan(moons, minPts = 5)
check <- rep(FALSE, nrow(moons)-1)
core_dist <- kNNdist(moons, k=5-1)
## cutree doesn't distinguish noise as 0, so we make a new method to do it manually
cut_tree <- function(hcl, eps, core_dist){
cuts <- unname(cutree(hcl, h=eps))
cuts[which(core_dist > eps)] <- 0 # Use core distance to distinguish noise
eps_values <- sort(cl$hc$height, decreasing = TRUE)+.Machine$double.eps ## Machine eps for consistency between cuts
for (i in 1:length(eps_values)) {
cut_cl <- cut_tree(cl$hc, eps_values[i], core_dist)
dbscan_cl <- dbscan(moons, eps = eps_values[i], minPts = 5, borderPoints = FALSE) # DBSCAN* doesn't include border points
## Use run length encoding as an ID-independent way to check ordering
check[i] <- (all.equal(rle(cut_cl)$lengths, rle(dbscan_cl$cluster)$lengths) == "TRUE")
print(all(check == TRUE))
## [1] TRUE
The HDBSCAN* hierarchy is useful, but for larger datasets it can become overly cumbersome since every data point is represented as a leaf somewhere in the hierarchy. The hdbscan object comes with a powerful visualization tool that plots the ‘simplified’ hierarchy(see [2] for more details), which shows cluster-wide changes over an infinite number of \(eps\) thresholds. It is the default visualization dispatched by the ‘plot’ method
You can change up colors
plot(cl, gradient = c("yellow", "orange", "red", "blue"))
… and scale the widths for individual devices appropriately
plot(cl, gradient = c("purple", "blue", "green", "yellow"), scale=1.5)